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Site is owned by Rousselle Thomas. Do not order via website, its only for testing

Privacy Policy


Your privacy is important for us. We guarantee that no information taken through this website and considered private will never be used for any commercial and/or marketing purposes. All pages where users are required to enter their private information are encoded with SSL technology. The information you provide about yourself for making a purchase can only be used for processing your order. We do not share any private information with third parties.

Any contact information given by our customers is used only for processing orders, recurrent billing notifications and announcements pertaining to the specific service that you are applying for.

Please read this Privacy Policy to the end and if you don’t want to provide any personal information don’t proceed to checkout.

Personal Information We Collect

In order to provide full service we collect the following personal information:

    • language and currency,
    • full name,
    • email address,
    • telephone numbers,
    • billing and shipping addresses,
    • product-specific information,
    • credit card details
    • customer’s agreement with the Terms of Use.

Use of Personal Information

All personal information about our customers is collected only to provide the requested service.For providing service we may contact you by mail, telephone or email.

No personal information is sold or passed to any third party for commercial or marketing use.

Free Worldwide shipping

On all orders above $150

Easy 30 days returns

30 days money back guarantee

International Warranty

Offered in the country of usage

100% Secure Checkout

PayPal / MasterCard / Visa