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Site is owned by Rousselle Thomas. Do not order via website, its only for testing

Order online

Placing an order in our store is very simple. Simply follow these steps:

Find a Product

To find a product/service you can use the search bar at the top of the page if you know the name of the product/service or the active ingredient. If you don’t know what product to purchase you can look through our catalog and find what you need in the directory. All products on the catalog are divided according to the specific conditions they are used for.

If you cannot find the service or item you need feel free to call our Customer Support. Our operators will be glad to help you.

Add Products to Cart

When you found the product you need, choose the dosage that you were looking for and the quantity at the product page. Add them to cart. Now you can continue shopping or proceed to checkout. If you are having any problems with choosing the right size and quantity, please, contact Customer Support.


On the checkout page you would be asked to fill in shipping and billing information. Please, make sure you didn’t make any mistakes and carefully read our terms before submitting your order. The checkout page is protected by SSL code so no third parties can see your private information. For more please see our Privacy Policy.


Within 24 hours our Customer Support will call you to verify and confirm your order. Please, listen to the information attentively as it is the last possibility to make any changes in your order.


This is the most pleasant part. If you order digital service such as website banner design, you will get your banner design within 48 hours, If you order something like printing a Banner, All you need to do is the meet the courier with you products. We’ll be glad to receive your feedback about the advertisement results you received.

Free Worldwide shipping

On all orders above $150

Easy 30 days returns

30 days money back guarantee

International Warranty

Offered in the country of usage

100% Secure Checkout

PayPal / MasterCard / Visa